Modern History

ISSN 1210-6860 (Print); 2788-3256 (On-line)

This specialized periodical with the subtitle of Časopis pro dějiny 19. a 20. století [A Journal for 19th and 20th Century History] is intended for the publication of analytical studies, materials, and documents on the general and Czech history of the given periods. Abstracts are published in English and German. The journal has been peer reviewed since its inception.  

Since 2008, abstracts of the papers have been published in the database of the Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) ( Authors of papers appearing in the journal consent to this database publishing their name, employer address, and English abstract. If they do not consent to this, they must inform the editors.

Modern History is covered by the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS) and is listed in both the international internet database of the Central European Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CEJSH) and the database of the Library of Congress, USA. In 2009, the journal was added to the Research, Development, and Innovation Council’s List of Peer-Reviewed and Nonimpact Periodicals Published in the Czech Republic.

Guidelines for Authors

Publication Ethics Statement

Contact address

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Prosecká 809/76
190 00 Praha 9

Scientific Advisory Board

Jana Burešová (Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc); Zdeněk Doskočil (Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences); Lukáš Fasora (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University); Jan Hájek (Prague); Milan Hlavačka (Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences); Drahomír Jančík (Faculty of Arts, Charles University); Michal Pehr (Prague); Andrea Pokludová (Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava); Petr Prokš (Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences); Jakub Rákosník (Faculty of Arts, Charles University); Radka Šustrová (Faculty of Arts, Charles University – Faculty of History, University of Cambridge); Luboš Velek (Masaryk Institute and Archives, Czech Academy of Sciences); Martin Veselý (Faculty of Arts, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem) 

International Scientific Advisory Board

Peter Becker (Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien); Christiane Brenner (Collegium Carolinum, München); Mark Cornwall (University of Southampton); Frank Hadler (Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa, GWZO); Dušan Kováč (Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava [Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava]); Piotr Maciej Majewski, Instytut Historyczny, Uniwersytet Warszawski); Antoine Marès (Université Paris I Pantheón-Sorbonne); Jelena Pavlovna Serapionova (Institute for Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)


2023: issue 2, issue 1
2022: issue 2, issue 1
2021: issue 2, issue 1
2020: issue 2, issue 1
2019: issue 2, issue 1
2018: issue 2, issue 1
2017: issue 2, issue 1
2016: issue 2, issue 1
2015: issue 2, issue 1
2014: issue 2, issue 1
2013: issue 2, issue 1
2012: issue 2, issue 1