Assembly of Researchers

The Assembly of Researchers comprises the Institute's scientists (postdocs, research assistants, researchers, senior researchers, and emeritus researchers with a 0.5 or higher FTE).

The Assembly of Researchers:
a) elects and recalls members of the Board by secret ballot;
b) elects and recalls the Institute's representatives to the Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences; 
c) nominates candidates for the positions of Board chair and Board member as well as Science Council member;
d) provides opinions on important matters concerning the activities, organization, and management of the Institute as presented by the director of the Institute, the Board, or the Supervisory Board. It also addresses summons from researchers to convene the Assembly.

The Assembly of Researchers convenes as necessary. Meetings are called and chaired by either the director of the Institute or the chair of the Board. The Assembly of Researchers must convene within two weeks of a written summons from at least one third of the Institute's researchers.