Regesta Bohemiae et Moraviae: diplomatica nec non epistolaria. Pars VIII, 1364–1369. Fasciculus III, Indices

Author: Lenka Blechová (ed.)
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Historický ústav
ISBN: 978-80-7286-352-5

The third part of the eighth volume Regesta followed the first (1364–1366) and the second (1367–1369) workbook. It is a scientific index for both workbooks, in which all the data on the full-text version of the eighth volume is collected. The index contains two parts: the first is the index of names and geographical names, the second contains all terms, concepts and institutions with which the user of the medieval text will work.The book is, however, next but not last link of the long-term project which will eliminate the remaining blank of Czech medieval editions: the diplomatic production of the last years of Charles the fourth’s rule (to 1378).